Telling Story with Domain Storytelling in your Sprint
I’ve just finished Sprint book. It is a great book. If you want to learn the answers of the hard questions in an experiment mindset, I strongly advise you read and apply those steps in your environment.
Sprint advice you to draw the story step by step on the 3rd day of your sprint. I don’t want to go deep for the day 1 and day 2. The main idea of the blog is you can visualize the process steps of the story with Domain Storytelling.
The main advantage Domain Storytelling is that you can run online workshops and visualize your steps easily.
In the Sprint book there is a sample story.
Above flowing images are great but it could be hard to draw for everyone. Instead of drawing by hand you can use Domain StoryTelling approach like below :
I use for drawing this robot story in 5 min. Domain StoryTelling gives you a standard way of telling/visualizing a story with a flexible way.
Happy experimenting…